24 Hour Monitoring & Reaction

  • ROs undergo physical training and practical shooting evaluations on a regular basis.
  • Procedural refreshment training is an ongoing process.
  • Reaction times average between 5 and 7 minutes. Reaction times are calculated from the time an alarm signal is received by the control room until a vehicle stands off.
  • Less than 0.1 of all reactions result in a positive break-in.
  • The IMC Reaction Unit is SAIDSA approved.

24 Hour Control Room

Professionally trained operators man IMC’s 24-hour control room, which is based in Hatfield, Pretoria. We focus on alarm signals received from systems in the greater Tshwane area, although we have the capabilities to monitor systems anywhere in the world. Our operators despatch highly qualified armed reaction officers in accordance with specific instructions given by our clients. They are friendly and customer-oriented, as well as able to work efficiently and respond quickly under pressure in extremely serious, sometimes life-threatening, circumstances.

Control room operators are trained to deal with a variety of situations, many of which occur during crises. As well as monitoring alarm signals and CCTV systems, operators respond to calls from clients in emergencies, including requests for ‘drive-bys’. Typical situations include armed robberies, hijackings, hostage situations, burglaries, medical emergencies and fire emergencies. IMC management monitors the quality of our control room operators, to assure you, our clients, of the highest level of professionalism in the industry.